Before I moved to Waimanalo in September 2020, I lived in Kailua for 11 years, minutes from the Kawainui Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, one of our family’s favorite places on Oahu.
Since our daughter now attends Kalaheo High in Kailua, I headed to the marsh after school drop-off for an early morning walk. Being active is important to me. The earlier I get to it, the better. I brought our doberman, Lehua Lychee, along so she could also start the day with some physical activity. Frankly, I also wanted her with me for my personal safety. I wondered if the secluded spot now harbored unsavory “elements”. I needn’t have worried. The path is still well frequented. People with dogs, people with friends, people walking, people running, people riding their bikes had all chosen, like me, to start their day in this beautiful park. I was excited and grateful to be back.
This landscape is always breathtaking but the morning sun wielded a special kind of magic. Golden rays glimmered on the pools of still water; patches of gently swaying reeds danced in the light breeze. The Koolau mountains stood majestic at the horizon, starkly silhouetted against the bright blue sky. My senses rejoiced and feasted.
I took in the colors, bright and bold: blue sky, green grass, brown hilltops.
I savored the sounds, sweet and soft: the chirping of birds, the chatter of people promenading, the crunching of my steps on the gravelly path.
I breathed in the scents, clean and crisp: hints of savory sea salt and sweet morning dew both invigorated and calmed me with each inhale, a feat only mother nature can accomplish.
I felt the gentle caresses of the trade winds, the pleasant warmth of the tropical winter sun, the softness of grassland underfoot.
I tasted life with each breath, each step, each movement.

I think Lehua felt it too. Although almost 4 years old, she is still terrible at walking on a leash. But that day, she didn’t pull, she didn’t rush ahead. That day, she walked dainty, measured steps on her long, lanky legs, alert but relaxed. That day, neither big men with large hats, nor the wheels of bicycles whizzing by ruffled her. She was content, a happy canine with her happy human, transfixed, just like her mama, by nature’s sublime morning show.
The Kawainui Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for all creatures, away from stressful traffic, honking cars, and grey buildings. I feel blessed to live so close to a piece of Heaven on Earth. What a backdrop for a morning meander! I plan to return as often as possible.
Photos taken at the marsh in 2017
I teach writing to a class of homeschooled highschoolers. Their homework this week was to “Write About a Backyard Nature Walk”. I like to do the homework too so I get a sense of how hard these exercises can feel to young writers.
So beautifully written. I felt like I was there with you. ❤️